Sunday, March 8, 2009


Visiting the in-laws this weekend. FIL is a sweetie; it's fun to see what DH will probably be like in 30 years or so. But he's hard of hearing. Brother-in-law was also visiting so we had a chance to see him and spend quality breakfast time with him, too. He's also hard of hearing. MIL is starting to get that way, too. It's been an interesting time making sure we look directly at them when talking and not talking too fast. With DH's parents, there's an additional gotcha - we can't use too many 'modern' words or phrases. Been fun, though; I love them all. And Chloe, the little Yorkie puppy, is too sweet. Boundless energy, but sweet and cute.

Knit what may be the fastest knit in the world - Fetchings, fingerless gloves. Started them at 3:00 Friday and knit for about a half-hour. Knit for about 45 minutes on a drive up to San Francisco that night. Knit for about 5 hours on the drive down to the ILs yesterday. Knit about 1 hour back at the hotel last night, then started the finishing work. Another half-hour this morning - done! So what's that... 7.75 hours? Easy knit, fun, not too complicated to get frustrated, not too simple to be deadly boring. Lovely pattern (which I, of course, must modify).

Early departure tomorrow morning, but only after we get our favorite waffles for breakfast!

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