Friday, October 31, 2008


We normally get lots of neighbor-kids a'knockin' at our door on Halloween. We totally underestimated the first year so ran out of candy early - like 6:30 early. So we loaded up last year (and still ran out a little sooner than we had planned). This year, DH will still be in Philly, so I was facing an evening of tykes and not-so-tykes showing up at the door all by myself, and got 2 hugemungous bags of teeth-rot at Costco so I wouldn't run out.

It's those not-so-tykes that get me all worked up, though. We've had 'kids' coming by as late as 10:00, even after we'd turned out the light. (Shouldn't it be illegal or something for anyone over 12 to go trick-or-treating??) No one ever did anything, but I was always afraid we'd get TP'd or - worse - egged, or - worser - splatted with paint. (True story - used to happen all the time in my home town. For about a week before Halloween, the stores wouldn't sell eggs, toilet paper, or spray paint to anyone under 18, so they would raid their parents' garage, put the paint in little squirt bottles, and splatter paint on your garage door if they didn't get a treat. Punks.)

Good newts, though! Champer and Knitterliness will be coming over to keep me company (oh, and to hit Red Robin for dinner) (oh, yeah; there will be knitting).

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