Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The last three days were spent at the new Clement Hotel on Monterey's Cannery Row. It was one of the nicest vacations I think we've had in a long time, which is really weird since it's only about an hour from home. But there was no writing work to be done, no housework to be done, no alarms to set, no cooking to worry about... absolutely nothing to do except walk up and down Cannery Row, wander around the Monterey wharf, watch the people ice skating on the postage-stamp-sized ice rink they put at Custom House Plaza, go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, wander over to Pacific Grove (and visit Monarch Knits), have room service bring us food, and sit, and take naps, and read, and relax.

Three nights away, back home in time to have Chinese food for Christmas Eve dinner, then wake up together in our own bed for Christmas Day. Nice.

Right now, though, DH has stepped out to do Christmas shopping (he will *always* show his guy genes on 12/24), and since we've been away during the time I thought I would wrap presents... I gotta do it now! Before he comes home! Hurry! Quick!

(Oh, lots of progress was made during the Monterey foray: Did 3 more inches on "Hey, Teach," cast on Silkie (in 'Moody Blues') for Monkeys (and got through 1.5 pattern repeats, just in time to start some Cat Bordhi Upstream increases), cast on Paton's sock yarn in 'Denim Jaquard' for socks in a basket-weavy pattern (almost time to start the arch expansion for those, too), finished fixing half of one of ChickenKnittle's Scroll Lace socks that were a little too loose around the ribbing, finished one of FIL's slippers and started the second one. Like I said, lots of progress.)

1 comment:

  1. You did bring how many projects on your three day trip?
    Now that makes me feel less guilty to start something new!
