Thursday, September 27, 2007

Is It Stitches Time Already??

Yes, indeed... This morning at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time, XRX opened registration up for Stitches West 2008 (Feb 21-24, 2008, for those of you living under a big rock...). Since I'm on a wee bit of a budget, I only signed up for three 3-hour classes, and none of them are on Friday or Saturday when the crowds really hit. (And gee, I wish I could remember what I signed up for... too damn late and I can't lay hands on the registration confirmation. You'll just have to wait to find out.)

Jazzed I am!

I did a quick check just before starting this post and saw that there's already one class sold out: "Tips and Tricks with Lily" (as in Lily Chin).

Dad's still here; we're going to hang out at the Valley Fair mall tomorrow (I refuse to call it "Westfield Shoppingmall at Valley Fair." Yecchhh.) where, for lunch, we will feast on Ivar's fish and chips made with sole. Mmmm-mmm good... Not as good as Spuds in Kirkland, but the best that we can get around here.

Gratuitous knitting picture: A mitered heart WIP (it's done now; I just haven't stuffed it yet).

1 comment:

  1. Shoppingmall? Are you kidding? That there is a Shoppingtown, and don't you forget it, missy! Sheesh. What the heck are they spending all that marketing money for, huh? :-)
