Still reeling from having my aunt so far away in the long-term acute-care facility (32 miles, 45 minutes on a good day, $2.00 in tolls - one way). Now dad's got to have an ICD (implantable cardio-verter defibrillator) installed. That should happen this Friday. The urgency of the date is not necessary for dad's health (although it's probably a 'sooner rather than later' situation), but because since I'm here, I can help with the house maintenance and driving for a while.
It's a procedure that requires him to be overnight in the hospital, then no driving for between 7 days and 2 weeks, and no bowling for 6 to 8 weeks. Other than that, it sounds like he won't have many restrictions - well, possibly no left-handed javelin-throwing. Which is something he always wanted to do, I'm sure.
I'll obviously wait until he's through the procedure before booking my flight home, but we're hoping for getting me back to my real life around the 17th - 20th. Ish. My brother is working on getting down to Florida the last week in July (precisely when I have to be home) and will stay for as long as he can, which may only be for a week, but it will help. I'm figuring there's a good chance I will be back again in September/October/November.
If I don't get home soon, I think I might kill something. If it goes much beyond the 20th, I think I might kill someONE...
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