Even better than in the chair and on the dark blue tubes, is being on a smaller trach and just having the oxygen going up her nostrils - breathing allllll on her own now! When we visited this afternoon before my flight home, she was quick to point out that they even removed the ventilator completely from her room. The pictures were taken on Sunday - the one with her sticking her tongue out is closer to the "real" auntie Irene!
One step forward and a small step back... she was also undergoing dialysis when we arrived. Her numbers were creeping back up, so better safe than sorry, they'll do it twice a week instead of three times a week. That's okay; she knows that her kidneys are on the mend and it's just a matter of time now before she's done with that stuff.
When we left yesterday, she said she was going to make sure she had all her anti-anxiety meds ready for when I got there today, because she figured she'd be a wreck knowing I was going. I told her she should have the nurse leave one or two for me, but it was not as bad as I thought. I did all my panicking and worrying in the car on the ride there.
The third picture is of me and my high-school friend Chris, who happens to live about a half-hour from my dad. She was an angel when I was in Florida (as she was in high-school), and became part of my support for being there. This shot was taken Friday night at Outback. We had a great time reconnecting. Thanks, Chrissie!

Right now, aunt I is probably sleeping, and I'm about ready to board the final leg of my trip home - Dallas/Ft.Worth to San Francisco. California, here I come. At last.
Oh Meg, so glad you are going home and Aunt I is doing so much better!