Friday, July 3, 2009


Jury's still out on the facility. As I've said, it's probably fine from a medical personnel standpoint, but I still don't think she'll get the kind of personalized attention she'd get at Connerton. She had a busy day yesterday, and they totally screwed up the timing of getting her there (we were told she'd leave at 4:00, she actually left around 10 past 5:00). Then, they had to do the intake processing, which was a whole cluster-f*ck complete with balky software and a person new to using the software. We wound up finishing the questions on paper. We wouldn't have gotten home until 1:00 AM if we hadn't. As it was, Dad and I didn't get back to his house until 11:00 PM (we did stop for dinner first).

Plus, Kindred is in central Tampa, near the airport. It is a far way to travel. Took us about 45 minutes and $2.00 in tolls to get there yesterday - one way. Even if a new Ikea opened up nearby where we could distract ourselves for a while, that drive is going to get real old, real fast.

I did buy a Florida SunPass (the equivalent of a California FastPass) to put in the car. It will help speed us through the toll booths, but Chris also says that it gives a little discount at some toll booths. Soon as I get dad's drivers license number and his car's license plate number, I'll set it up and we should be set for tomorrow's visit.

As was her schedule at Bayonet Point, she will continue to have dialysis Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so we won't go today. We'll probably keep the same schedule of seeing her on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but will be able to stay for longer than 15 minutes at a time. We'll only be able to stay for 2 or 3 hours tomorrow, but on Sunday, I plan to be there for a longer time so we can observe how she's being treated and to get the rhythm of the facility.

When I called this morning, the nurse said she had a good night, and was resting comfortably. She said that today would be a lot of visits from the various doctors and therapists, doing their assessments. I've also got a list of questions to ask when we're there. So many things to keep track of. I can't imagine her doing it alone, or even just having my dad to help.

Thanks again for everyone who is sending thoughts and emails and posts. It all gives me greater strength to keep going. Big hugs to everyone.

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