Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One Finish Line Down, One to Go!

Done with Ice Queen. It's quite lovely; fluffy and pretty and discretely sparkly. The pictures below show it before blocking (it's drying now). The one yellowy-toned picture is without a flash. I included it because it shows off the beads better than the flash shots, but it really doesn't look like camo-colored yarn in real life. The color in the flash shots are truer to life. I'm very pleased with it.

As for the Lacey Vee tee, I've got one more inch on the back before about 2 inches of back neck shaping, then on to the front. I don't think that finishing by next Sunday (the Olympics closing ceremony) will be a problem; with a lot of effort, I may even be able to get it done by Thursday night's night group. Go, Meggie!


  1. WOW.....so very lovely. It's nice to know that Michael Phelps didn't distract you too much; it would be a shame to not have your Ice Queen done.


  2. Thanks, Diane! It was hard to maintain momentum, knitting while watching MP, but he gave me the inspiration I needed to carry on!

    See ya,
