Thursday, June 16, 2011

Random Bits

R.B. #1 - My dad's defibrillator went off last Monday. Literally knocked him on his ass; out cold for about 30 seconds or so. Got the doctor, they got a read-out from the gizmo, now he's fine. The unit is designed to defib when he has 10 'episodes' (of ventricular mis-firings) in a short period of time, and that's what the read-out said. ...8, 9, boom. He's slowly getting back to usual, but word on the street is that this can really drain you. He's on some new meds that aren't helping; they're making him even more tired, so he'll go see the doc about that. When I spoke to him yesterday, he was tired, but he's back home again (after staying at his girlfriend's for about a week). Ray is planning to go visit the week after the 4th of July; I'm not planning to go back until March (DRJ conference), but I'm keeping my options open.

R.B. #2 - Sweetie and I are trying to get back into the swing of golf again. (That was a pun. Get it?) We played in October of 2009 when we went to Pismo Beach and then didn't play again until a few weeks ago. Surprisingly, I didn't hurt myself and actually hit a few good shots. We've been heading to the driving range when we have some time and he's taking a few lessons from a local pro. Me, I'm just going to keep on keeping on and hope I don't hit someone with a mis-struck ball.

R.B. #3 - In association with R.U. #2, we went to a local course Tuesday that just kicked our damn asses up one fairway and down another. We thought it was a small, 9-hole course. How big could it be for $10? Holy guacamole. Long yardages, hills, 92 degrees, little or no shade (and we forgot water and sunscreen). What the hell were we thinking?? It may be a while before we return...

R.B. #4 - Heading down to Oxnard this weekend to visit the hubby's parentals. It happens to be Father's Day, but that's just coincidence. What do you get a 92-year-old man for Father's Day?

R.B. #5 - I gave my dad money for a house-cleaning service. That, and a card that said "put your finger here and pull it yourself." He's a great dad. Wonder what I'll be getting him when *he's* 92...

R.B. #6 - Bargain found! A set of clubs and a golf bag for $50! An odd set, to be sure: pitching wedge, 8 iron, 6 iron, 5 iron, hybrid (looks like a 2-ish wood), 3 wood and driver. Clubs have gotten huge; my old driver from nineteen-ninety-mumblemumble is smaller than the new 3 wood. The driver is enormous, around 5" at its widest. I will definitely need to practice hitting with it.

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