Just lost about a half-hour of blog... which sucks. The only thing I have from what I had written was the "Things I Learned By Driving I-5 from 152 to Long Beach Three Times in 24 Hours" which I copied from the post I wrote in Facebook:
1.) Listening to celtic rock can keep you from nodding off (so can being really angry at yourself for being such a stoooopidhead). 1a.) I have enough celtic rock loaded on my iPod to last the 3 trips. 1ai.) I have more celtic rock at home that isn't loaded on my iPod. I'm oddly proud of this.
2.) In the Sunday night / ...Monday morning 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM window, more trucks travel north than south on I-5.
3.) Some parts of I-5 smell like Morgan Hill on a ripe August afternoon, some parts smell like dead skunk. Both are effective at keeping both driver and passenger awake.
4.) Driving I-5 during those hours was not as desolate as I was expecting, but driving 152 from 101 to I-5 was.
5.) Truck drivers on the open road are very courteous, it's the jerks in cars trying to go 92 mph who are assholes.
After that, I wrote about the cruise we took in January (the cruise of the "passport incident") and the cruise we just took on the Oasis of the Seas, but all that pithy writing is gone now. Maybe that means it's time to post some pictures...
Half of the Royal Promenade, deck 5 (and at either end, deck 6 as well).
Kelly coming in on the zip line. What... your cruise ship doesn't have a zip line? Doesn't every ship have one?
The view from our balcony. We had an inside room, which actually looked out on the Central Park area on deck 8 (which was the rooftop to the Royal Promenade). Those are real trees, not silk and plastic.
It was a lovely ship and we had a terrific time.
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