R.B. #2 - Sweetie and I are trying to get back into the swing of golf again. (That was a pun. Get it?) We played in October of 2009 when we went to Pismo Beach and then didn't play again until a few weeks ago. Surprisingly, I didn't hurt myself and actually hit a few good shots. We've been heading to the driving range when we have some time and he's taking a few lessons from a local pro. Me, I'm just going to keep on keeping on and hope I don't hit someone with a mis-struck ball.
R.B. #3 - In association with R.U. #2, we went to a local course Tuesday that just kicked our damn asses up one fairway and down another. We thought it was a small, 9-hole course. How big could it be for $10? Holy guacamole. Long yardages, hills, 92 degrees, little or no shade (and we forgot water and sunscreen). What the hell were we thinking?? It may be a while before we return...
R.B. #4 - Heading down to Oxnard this weekend to visit the hubby's parentals. It happens to be Father's Day, but that's just coincidence. What do you get a 92-year-old man for Father's Day?
R.B. #5 - I gave my dad money for a house-cleaning service. That, and a card that said "put your finger here and pull it yourself." He's a great dad. Wonder what I'll be getting him when *he's* 92...
R.B. #6 - Bargain found! A set of clubs and a golf bag for $50! An odd set, to be sure: pitching wedge, 8 iron, 6 iron, 5 iron, hybrid (looks like a 2-ish wood), 3 wood and driver. Clubs have gotten huge; my old driver from nineteen-ninety-mumblemumble is smaller than the new 3 wood. The driver is enormous, around 5" at its widest. I will definitely need to practice hitting with it.

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