So many, we had to set up a second table between the dining room and living room!
I'm still laughing at the attempt by four of the posse to walk out carrying a good half of my stash on their person. I think of them as Lumpy 1, Lumpy 2, Lumpy 3, and Violet Beauregard. What a hoot.
Lumpy 1, Lumpy 2, and Violet Beauregard examining their new-found lumps. Notice their attempts at looking sort of innocent.
Lumpy 1 (whom I suspect to be the ringleader) looking lovely and lumpy. Not shown: The two skeins of Mountain Colors Bearfoot stuck in her jean pockets.

Good shot of Violet Beauregard. No, I have no idea what Lumpy 2 is doing to her.
Lumpy 3, with all the orange yarn I own about to plop out of the bottom of her (gorgeous) (hand-knit) sweater.
Champer and Knitterliness brought their spinning wheels, and ChickenKnittle (aka Lumpy 1) brought her charka. They all let those of us who wanted to give it a spin (groan) try them out. I tried learning on Knitterliness' wheel... that didn't go so well. I kept letting the fiber twist back too far. Good thing, too; I really don't need another craft. Although Champer's antique wheel, dubbed "Big Bird" was rather cool.
"Big Bird," over 200 years old. Still works. Sort of.

Knitterliness guiding LMKnits (aka Violet Beauregard, before the lumps grew) in the fine art of spinning.
And now, the countdown is on for Hawaii. Aloha!
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