DH appears to have either come down with a cold, or one of his worst allergy days in a number of years. His voice went from deep to deeper to Marlene Dietrich to gone in a matter of a few hours. He's been napping and taking drugs, but he still sounds pretty funny (unless he's coughing, in which case he sounds pretty bad).
Ravelry has a new position open - email fairy. I thought about applying, but decided not to... then got an email from Kadootje who said she had! Go, girl!
Am almost finished with Aunt's sweater, round 2. The right arm is done, save for the cuff; the left arm is about 1/4 done. I'm going to take the left arm down to the same length as the right, but before I start the cuffs, I'm going to let her try it on and tell me if she wants them longer or shorter. This one practically fits me, so it should definitely fit her.
Speaking of Aunt, she's been responding well to the chemo treatments for her Multiple Myeloma, but a bone scan last week apparently showed that the cancer has already affected her bones. And in the course of doing an overall exam, they gave her a chest x-ray, which showed a "shadow." After more tests, it's been confirmed as a "mass," and she'll have a biopsy on Monday (3/23). I suspect that even this won't convince her to quit smoking for good (and it probably won't convince my brother to quit, either.) When the results of the biopsy come back, the oncologist will decide how to attack which things in which way.
It's not looking good, but she seems to be taking it well. I'm sure when I see her next week the truth will come out - that we're both scared. Over the phone it sounds like she's planning for the worst and will just accept what comes her way. I doubt I'll be that sanguine.
I think you'd be a perfect email fairy. Will you reconsider? :-)