Monday, December 15, 2008

Sugary Sweet

That's me... full of sugar that can't go anywhere. I'm now among the ranks of people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Oh joy. Kids, take heed: watch your weight and watch what you eat. This is preventable, and I knew it, and I still let it happen. More pills to take; oh goody.

That's not the bad news, though. The bad news is that my aunt has been diagnosed with 'multiple myeloma of the bone marrow,' or MM as the insiders apparently call it. While this is treatable, it isn't curable. She goes to the hematology oncologist on 12/22 to find out what's next. Please send good thoughts her way.

On a happier note, I wonder if anyone else has wondered about the sweaters in the Stainmaster carpet ads...
I think they're pretty sweaters, especially the cable. Do you think they found the sweater and loomed the carpet? Or loomed the carpet, then found/knit a sweater to match?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your diabetes diagnosis. One of our best friends was diagnosed a few years ago. He was a "meat and potatoes" kind of guy who also like an occasional drink. Rick found a special meal plan (it seemed alot like the Mediterranean style of eating - I refuse to call it a diet) and not only lost weight, but also was able to reduce the amount of medication that he was required to take.

    Although I am sure you already know this, but Annie Modesitt's blog ( and new book ( discuss how she and her family have dealt with the news of her husband's diagnosis of MM.

    Be well my friend,
