Okay. So. Those bamboo needles? Owch. Made it to Anacapa Fine Yarns before they closed on Saturday (thank you, DH, for getting us there safely and in time! smoooooch!). They had an impressive array of Addi needles there, and I was so blinded by the selection, that I grabbed the 2 bags I thought I needed.
And went to the hotel room. And took the shorter needle of the two out of its bag.
And wondered when 16" had gotten so short. And started to knit. And wondered why my hands were cramping.
Ai caramba! I picked up 12" long size 7 circs!
Who can knit with needles this short? Good heavens. I tried, I really tried to use them. But seriously, my hands just didn't know how to deal with needles that short. So I loaded my sleeve up with the other needle - 47" long - and started Magic Looping.
When I went back to the store the next day to swap the 12" for a 16", the nice lady said they don't normally take returns or exchanges on needles. I hadn't noticed that on the receipt (it was there, I just didn't see it), but then she said, "I'll do it for you, though, because those needles are awful to work with." God bless an employee (or owner) who recognizes when a customer just makes an idiot mistake and is willing to bend the rules!
If we ever had to move to Ventura or nearby, Anacapa Fine Yarns would be a damn fine LYS to have.
FO news... finished DH's slippers! (Only took 10 months.) These are slippers from Frugal Knitting Haus and they're put together like origami. You knit 7 squares about 2.5" big, then sew them together and voila! A slipper! (Except that with my hatred for sewing seams, for the second slipper, I figured that I could actually knit 5 of the 7 squares one right after another, without having to detach the yarn, then just pick up for the last 2 squares. Lots less ends to sink, and I think it's a cleaner looking line between squares.)
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