Yeah, I know; I went to those mechanical biology classes and read all about those opposable thumb, but seriously? What's the big deal? So you lose the use of a thumb? So what.
Well, hot damn, I'm here to tell you it's a pain in the tuchas. I had my trigger finger surgery yesterday (everything went fine, thanks very much), and now have my left hand swaddled in a big bandage. I honestly thought (based on some internet research) that I'd be a little sore and maybe couldn't knit for 1 or 2 days. What was I thinking?? I must have been on drugs BEFORE they gave me any! And we're leaving to visit the in-laws on Saturday - and I can't knit yet!!
The drugs (Darvocet this time) help the ache go away by making me go to sleep, which isn't polite to do in front of your in-laws, so we'll see how that goes. In the meantime, here's progress shots of what I was working on while in San Diego last weekend.
Hey, Teach! (This doesn't show any of the upper lace, but I'm just about done with the back now.)

Hibito (I'm guessing that this very lovely - but very slippery - yarn will NOT be the first thing I reach for when I can knit again!)

Blanket Buddies (these are for ChickWithSticks' twin granddaughters, due in November).

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