More finished objects!
My Fetching fingerless gloves are done! Made with Cascade's Greenland yarn (100% superwash merino) in a yummy color that's kind of plummy/grapey (oh, and thank you, ChickenKnittle!). Made the first one more or less to pattern, and used #6 needles - 3 sizes smaller than the recommended#9. Stiff? Let's just say they stood up on their own! So I made the second one with #8 needles, and decreased the number of cable repeats from 9 to 8. Softer fabric, nicer fit. So, unravelling the first one as I knit, I made a third one to match the second one. Voila! Matching Fetchings! (Oh, and they're longer than the pattern calls for, too.)

Bistro shirt is finally done! When I tried it on at Sunday Knit Club yesterday, Knitterliness said it looked like I had a tire track up my front. Hm. The pattern is plain stockinette, and in order to save me from acres and acres of that, I decided to add some stripes with some seed-stitch interest. Unfortunately, as she says, it does sort of look like a tire track. But it fits! The picture shows it blocking/drying on the hood of my car in the garage. Oh, and for anyone who wants to know - the yarn is Rowan Summer Tweed (70% silk, 30% cotton), which is wonderful to knit with... but dudes... this sucker is HEAVY when it's wet! The best news, though? Now I get to cast on for another sweater! Yay!

The entrelac socks are done! No, no knee-socks for me. These are Koigu and much though I'm SO over my love affair with Koigu, I'll probably make one more pair of socks with the leftover yarn just to get rid of it. These socks are surprisingly comfy, though, despite all the little pick-up rows needed. I like!

Finished the second washcloth as a going-away gift for my neighbor, who's moving to Houston. Both used the same pattern from Creative Knitting, but the green one is BMFA STR Heavyweight (Mossay), the white one is Paton's Grace (Spearmint). I think both will serve well as washcloths. She really liked them.

Yesterday is a Finished Object, in a matter of speaking, and we had 5 show up for our little World Wide Knit in Public Day. At first we were split across the street from each other, with 2 at Rosy's and 3 at Ragoots. Around 2:00, Champer and I bid farewell to the nice waitress at Rosy's and joined the other 3 at Ragoots (Knitterliness, Kadootje, ChickWithSticks), where the 5 of us hung out until 3:45 or so. I'm pleased to say that I was the only one who resisted the call of the yarn from the yarn shop right next door!

Now, off to peruse the patterns, books, Ravelry, and my stash to decide on a sweater to cast on... Shall it be Mr Greenjeans? Hibito? The Celtic Cardigan? Tilted Duster? Vanilla Spice? So many to choose from!
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