So here's how busy life has been lately... Not only did I mail the mortgage payment 3 days late (seriously folks; I NEVER do that), but two days of the last five, I've somehow managed to put my underpants on inside out. No, not upside down, not backwards (thank goodness), but inside out, with the little tag flapping around on my right hip like a little "I surrender to crazy-busy" flag. Wonder what I'll do tomorrow...
Busy with writing work, busy with teaching knitting (3 classes in 8 days? Ca-razy!), busy finishing more things! Behold!

Fetching (done in Cascade's Greenland yarn, 100% superwash merino). (Okay, so I finished these a week or so ago, but this is 'wearing them' picture!)

Bistro shirt (done in Rowan's Summer Tweed, 70% silk, 30% cotton). (Ditto on the shirt.)

Jaywalkers (done in Yarn Place's Vivace, 100% bamboo). (Sorry - this used to be a Magknits pattern; since they went out of business, the link will only work for Ravelry members.)
As a reward for finally doing the last of the Bistro shirt seaming, I told myself I could cast on another sweater. Which I did. Then promptly cast on a second sweater! First is Hibito, done in KnitPicks Shine Worsted. Easy, fun; major modification: color bands. Light pink at the bottom, medium pink at the middle, purple at the top (undecided at the sleeves).
Second is Picchu-Picchu, done in Berroco Ultra Alpaca. Looks easy and a slightly different way to shape a sweater. Major modification: more color bands. Green heather ribbings, purple healther body.
Both are Norah Gaughan designs. Coincidence? I think not - I ADORE her designs!
In other news, the forgery situation seems to have been resolved satisfactorily. Although we don't know who did each of the forgeries (there were two; one was successful, the second was not), the bank has honored our claim and gave us back out missing money. The fact that they put it back into the compromised account (which was on hard lockdown) and I had to go to a branch to get it moved to the new account was just an eye-rolling thing; nothing to get overly upset over. We are much more cautious these days, an NO outbound mail gets put into the mailbox.
Finally, happy birthday CG!! Have a great weekend!