Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ravelry with Revelry

What fun Ravelry is! As I suspect many Ravelers have done, especially when they first get their accounts, I've stayed up 'way too late for 'way too many nights perusing, loading, photographing, captioning, and loading some projects and stash. It's been fun! I'm 'MegKnits408' there, too.

In other news, my baby brother (okay, he'll be 47 next month) and his wife arrived on 9/15 and left yesterday. Dad flew out on 9/18, so we had 4 days with 5 people in the house. The house is 3,000+ square feet with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, mind you, but DH and I have gotten so used to how we live in it, that 5 seemed like an awful lot of people - especially when 3 are blood relatives and 2 are married in! We all survived, though, and had a good time. It's been a long time since we were all together in one place - maybe even since mom died in 1997.

So dad's here now and will visit until October 2. DH and I will have to pretend we're adults for another week!

Another FO! I had started a shrug last year. It's a very simple shrug; the hardest part is keeping track of the rows so you increase evenly up the arms and decrease evenly down the arms. No, I take that back... The hardest part is knitting flat stockinette for close to 60". It was sitting partially done at about 20-odd inches long in the bottom of a bag, languishing. I figured I'd get around to finishing it "eventually" and hadn't touched it for close to 8 months. My sister-in-law's birthday is the day before mine, though, and when they arrived here shortly after her birthday, I thought it would be a good birthday gift. So I figured I could drag it out, dust it off, and finish it, then she could take it home with her as a birthday gift, to save shipping costs.

I put aside my knitting ADD and knit nothing but that shrug for 5 days, watching it grow longer and longer. I finally finished the second arm, seamed it up, and tried it on (she and I are about the same size). #*$^%# The center of the knitted back did not quite match up with my actual back, and the sleeves were two different lengths. I unseamed it, unbound the second sleeve, unraveled it to the right length, centered the back with the sleeves, then re-knit the cuff and bound off. Smarter than the average bear (this time), I let her try it on and, lo and behold, it fit. All that was needed at that point was to pick up around the opening and knit 3" in rib.

I knit like the wind, I knit during meetings, I knit during movies, I knit late at night. As they were getting ready to leave last night, I was still knitting - and still had a good 2" of ribbed collar to finish. *sigh* It's done now and will be mailed later. Oh well. It looks good, but took 'way more yarn than the pattern called for (which, it turns out, was a constant comment regarding this pattern on Ravelry - good to know it wasn't just me). Photos to follow.

Kicker? I found out that she used to knit Aran sweaters to bring in money for the family when she was younger. So here I am, giving her a super simple acrylic shrug like it's some big deal - why did no one mention that she is a good knitter?? Dope slap me, please.

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