Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mid-Panic (Sort of)

Things are piling up, but are not in official piles yet. Although right now should be prime panic time, I am surprisingly calm about the whole packing thing. There's a stack of undies, and a stack of socks, and a stack of reading materials near the Alpha suitcase. In the closet hang the 2 dresses, 9 tops, and 4 of the 5 pair of pants I plan to bring. Tomorrow I'll do the last load of laundry to catch the easiest-to-fasten bras and the last pair of pants... which will be after having gone to the chiropractor for a re-evaluation and having met Debbie to spend an hour or so knitting. And still I am not panicked. Odd. Maybe I've been taking Vicodin but don't remember it.

Tomorrow, I'll sit with Debbie to knit a bit. I plan to finish Kelly's JoJoLand socks (half done with the cuff - yay!) and will claim to help her seam up her tank top (beautiful, ribbed design in Cascade's lovely Luna). She doesn't really need my help, but she'll figure that out tomorrow. We will also swap a secret something-that-shall-not-be-named-yet. Shh...

Had construction workers in the house all day today, patching the many little cracks where the house has settled and fixing the living room fireplace. Nice thing about buying a new home from an established developer with a good reputation (Dividend Homes) - there's a warranty on the place! A little invasion of painters and patchers and fillers and sanders, and it looks just like new.

Okay, the question everyone is asking: What knitting projects will make the trans-Atlantic journey? Here's what's on deck so far... In the carry-on: the acrylic pillow (it's really not too bad, and I actually think I can finish it on the flight from San Jose to Chicago), and the shrug-in-process (Caron's Shadows). Yes, both are acrylic, but both are also on needles that I don't mind being taken from me. In the luggage: White Lies vest, Crystalline Lattice socks, Marble Arches socks, possibly the soon-to-be-Jaywalkers socks. I may also toss in my Windy Valley Musk Ox Suri Alpaca and some #3s to see if I can make something - anything - from it. It's luscious stuff, and I haven't yet found the perfect pattern for it. Maybe the Baltic will inspire me.

Oh, and there are 5247 people in front of me on Ravelry.

Not that I check it.


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