With Kelly on the hunt for a new job, I've approached my main writing client about doing more work for her. Luckily she said something to the effect of, "Oh, honey; I can keep you so busy!" So, I'll rearrange my days to give her more time and pump up the hours. (I mean that in a "I'll work more hours for you" way, not as in a "I'll tell you I'm working more hours but really just slack off" way. She gets her money's worth out of me - all my clients do.)
Of course, Kelly's job search will take a little breather for a couple of days while he takes the Bar exam this week. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. Tuesday is the day for essay questions, Wednesday they administer the multi-state multiple choice questions, Thursday's happening is a little ditty they like to call "pretend you're really a lawyer and write up this type of document for the senior partner in your firm." It's called the performance test and involves poring over some sample documents they provide, then writing up an analysis.
On the knitting front, I have started the toe decreases on my "Rock 'N Weave" socks! I'm only about 11 rows away from grafting it closed! Then comes button selection for the cuff. After these, I will attack Kelly's JoJoLand socks with renewed fervor. Then I'll head back to "Marble Arches" and then I'll pick up the "Fire on the Mountain" socks I cast on in class this week. They will likely be Jaywalkers - although, after looking at the toe-up pattern, they might be Jaywalkers only from the cuff up. Lots of strange instructions for the instep pattern - not sure I want to deal with them. Besides, I don't see the point of having a lot of pattern on the instep - it's the part that's in your shoe!
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