"Simply Knitting" is a British knitting publication. We pay $10.50 for it at
JoAnn's (unless they have a 10% sale on magazines) (unless they aren't having a 10% sale and we use our 40% coupon) (unless they aren't having a 10% sale and we
forget our 40% coupon) (0h wait, that's what I said first) (why all the parentheses?).
Anyway, thinking that it might be cheaper to subscribe, I looked it up online. Yikes. It's 65 British pounds a year. At the current exchange rate, that's over $95! Wait... that's just over $7 an issue. Somehow, $95 seems outrageous, but $7 an issue sounds like a deal. Hm... May have to rethink my initial decision not to get it.
I cooked on Monday night this week. I cooked on Tuesday night. I cooked Thursday. We ate leftovers tonight. (Wednesday was knit-night at Panera's.) I haven't cooked that much in one week in a long time. I think I'm going to explode.
Yesterday (Thursday) was a fun day for those of us in South County. Some yahoo apparently cut four - count 'em, FOUR - fiber optic lines in San Jose (and later, at least on in San Carlos), plunging Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy, Hollister and much of San Benito county, and parts of Santa Cruz county into inter-darkness. And the phone was out, along with most cell service, too. Nothing to connect our computers to; with the phone, you could get dial tone, but either got a fast-busy on connection or the tweedle of death "all circuits are busy" message. Cell text messages were sporadic and often took multiple sends to get through, calls didn't start coming through until well after 2:00 PM. They got the 911 line up fairly quickly, but as of midnight last night, still no interwebnetness.
Really pissed me off because I had gotten up at 6:30 AM to attend a 7:00 AM conference call... that I couldn't attend. I am not a morning person. I don't like getting up that early, but if I'm gettin' up, there better be a damn good reason. Not having phone or internet service wasn't what I wanted to find at 6:30. Luckily, when we got up this morning, everything was back up, with lots of green lights and lots of bars on our equipment. Ahhhh....
Have lost interest in my 2008 NaNoWriMo novel. I actually finished the story a couple of weeks ago, and now need to tie up the loose ends and give it a once-over. Would rather knit.
Except swatches. Tuesday is supposed to be swatch night for my Master Knitter program. Not this week. I'm on a roll with my Hey Teach! sweater (finished fronts and back, and seamed up one side last night), and want to get it finished. I'll do the second seam tonight and work on the sleeves over the weekend. The pattern is written for set-in sleeves, but I had such fun with picked up sleeves on Red Spice that I'm going to try that method first. Just gotta remember to turn the pattern upside down as I work it from the shoulder down.
Garage sale in the development on April 25. 8:00 to 2:00. Come by, keep me company, buy stuff, or bring your own stuff to sell with me. We have a great location for garage sales - we're on the main drag through the complex and get lots of cars stopping by.
OPH 49er pancakes. Yum.